New composition of France Galop Committee

30 November 2023

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The France Galop Committee is now complete with 56 voting members.

On Thursday, 30 November 2023, as part of the formation of the new France Galop Committee, the 25 Presidents of the Premium Racing Organisations met at the France Galop headquarters to elect their 2 representatives that will sit on the France Galop Committee.

On the same day, the 10 Presidents of the Regional Flat Racing Councils were also at the France Galop headquarters to elect their 6 representatives to sit on the France Galop Committee.

The newly formed France Galop Committee will be convened for the first time on Tuesday, 12 December 2023 to elect the President of France Galop. Then, upon the President’s proposal, the President of the Flat racing Council and the President of the Jump racing Council, will both be elected Vice-Presidents of France Galop for a four-year term. The other 9 members on the France Galop board of directors will be elected during that same meeting.



Composition of the France Galop Committee:

56 voting members




20 Associate partners (renewed in June 2023):

  • Hervé d’Armaillé
  • Renaud Baguenault de Puchesse
  • Nathalie Bélinguier
  • Louis de Bourgoing
  • Charles-Hubert de Chaudenay
  • Stéphanie Daburon (new)
  • Jacques Détré
  • Louis Giscard d’Estaing
  • Jean d’Indy
  • Nicolas Landon
  • Dominique Le Baron Dutacq
  • Pierre-Yves Lefèvre
  • Antoine-Audoin Maggiar
  • Charles-Henri de Moussac
  • Henri de Pracomtal
  • Géraldine Reille Villedey (new)
  • Edouard de Rothschild
  • Guillaume de Saint-Seine
  • Arnaud de Seyssel
  • Antoine de Talhouet Roy (new)


2 Presidents of Premium Racing Organisations:

  • Frédéric Landon
  • Jean-Claude Ravier


6 Presidents of the Regional Flat Racing Council:


  • Béatrix Andréani, Presidente of Conseil régional Corse
  • Laurent Beuvin, President of Conseil régional Ile de France & Haute Normandie
  • Philippe Bouchara, President of Conseil régional Centre-Est
  • Kamel Chehboub, President of Conseil régional Sud-Est
  • Daniel Cherdo, President of Conseil régional Ouest
  • Lucien Matzinger, President of Conseil régional Est




10 Owners :

  • Jean de Cheffontaines (new)
  • Paul Couderc
  • Patrice Détré
  • Guy-Charles Fanneau de La Horie (new)
  • Philippe Germond (new)
  • Patrick Klein
  • Nicolas de Lageneste
  • Serge Tardy
  • Hubert Tassin
  • Francis Teboul (new)

8 Breeders

  • Anthony Baudouin (new)
  • Nicolas de Chambure
  • Thierry Cyprès (new)
  • Thierry Dalla Longa (new)
  • Thierry Doumen
  • Pierric Rouxel (new)
  • Céline Sirven-Gualde (new)
  • Bruno Vagne (new)

4 Trainers

  • Cédric Boutin
  • Nicolas Clément
  • Isabelle Gallorini
  • Gabriel Leenders


1 Jockey


  • Thierry Gillet


5 Presidents of the Regional Flat Racing Committee:


  • Pauline Chehboub, President of the Regional Committee South East, Corsica
  • Rodolphe Collet, President of the Regional Committee Paris, Normandy, North,
  • Michel Contignon, President of the Regional Committee East, Centre-East,
  • Jean-Luc Guillochon, President of the Regional Committee West, Anjou-Maine,
  • Axelle Nègre de Watrigant, President of the Regional Committee of South West



For information about the France Galop elections click HERE