Prix de Diane Longines 2024 : D-7, Chantilly ground update

9 June 2024




For the past week, the Chantilly racecourse teams, led by Marin Le Cour Grandmaison, who is in charge of the Chantilly racecourse, have been working tirelessly to prepare the track for the Prix de Diane Longines meeting on Sunday, 16 June.

Following the Prix du Jockey Club meeting on Sunday, 2 June 2024, which took place in unseasonally heavy ground, significant restoration work has been taking place on the track.


Immediately after the Prix du Jockey Club meeting, the Chantilly France Galop teams were deployed over the entire track to tread in the deeper-than-normal divots left by the horses.


Over the past week, several further actions took place to:

  • Level the track: the track was rolled at the beginning and the end of the week.
  • Strengthen the turf: the grass was cut daily to 9 cm
  • Encourage root development and release compaction: Use of blade aerator.

Over the weekend of the 8th and 9th of June, the ground has been left to rest.

From Monday, June 10, the grass will be mowed daily to progressively achieve a height of 11 cm for Sunday in view of the Prix de Diane Longines meeting.


Going forecast (Sunday, 9 June 2024)

On Sunday, 9 June, the going is: 3,3 - GOOD TO SOFT

Based on the changing weather conditions for next week, the ground is expected to be GOOD TO SOFT on Sunday, 16 June 2024.

A daily ground update will be available on the France Galop website and on @FranceGalop's social media platforms.