Data protection policy

For FRANCE GALOP personal data protection is central to its purpose and the services it offers.

The present Data Protection Policy sets out the guiding principles for protecting your Personal Data and aims to inform you about:

The Personal Data that FRANCE GALOP collects and why it is collected
How this Personal Data is used
Your rights regarding your Personal Data
This Policy concerns the processing of personal data entered on the website (hereinafter referred to as the “Website”) as well as all websites, applications and other media that are connected to it (hereinafter referred to as the “Subsites”).

Events & Tickets: and
All of the operations carried out on your Personal Data are done so in accordance with the applicable regulations, namely the European General Data Protection Regulation, the updated French law No.78-17 of 6th January 1978 regarding data-processing, data files and individual liberties, and the decrees regarding its application.

FRANCE GALOP, whose headquarters are located at 15 Boulevard de Douaumont CS 64440 75819 Paris Cedex, France, is the Data Controller for any personal data collected on this website and subsites.

For any queries regarding how to exercise their rights, the User should contact FRANCE GALOP by wirting to the address “” and/or by writing to the following address: FRANCE GALOP – 15 Boulevard de Douaumont CS 64440 75819 Paris Cedex, FRANCE.

FRANCE GALOP strives to ensure the protection and confidentiality of the aforementioned data that it collects and/or processes.

The User’s personal data is digitally processed by FRANCE GALOP as well as by its subcontractors, within the strict requirements of their mission and in accordance with FRANCE GALOP’s instructions:

  • One subcontractor hosts the Website and processes the User’s personal data to ensure the Website’s services work correctly
  • One subcontractor sends out automated emails regarding horse-related news via the Website’s “Follow” feature (in the event that the User uses this feature)
  • One subcontractor processes the User’s personal data to enable FRANCE GALOP to offer products and services that match the User’s centres of interest and other communication services, analysis and measurement services, communications by email and push notifications, etc.
  • One subcontractor processes the user’s personal data within the framework of providing a payment service

Some of your personal data may also be passed on to third parties who might use it as part of the specific requirements of their services (lawyers, bailiffs, accountants, etc.).

I-1 The Personal Data that is processed

The personal data that we collect includes the data that you supply when you submit a request or use the Websites or subsites (websites, applications and other media that are connected to it, hereinafter referred to as the “Subsites”), and the purposes for which FRANCE GALOP uses your personal data are shown in the table below. The table may be completed with additional information at the time when the data is collected.

Website / Subsite Purpose Personal data processed Account creation and access management – Identifying information (Surname, First name)
– Contact information (email address)
– Login information (email, password)
– Login and browsing information (account creation date, date of last login) Newsletter – Identifying information (Surname, First name)
– Contact information (email address)
– Consent information Marketing communications – Identifying information (Surname, First name)
– Contact information (email address)
– Consent information Management of “Follow” feature for the horses followed.
Management of live and replay functionality
– Identifying information (Surname, First name)
– Contact information (email address)
– Consent information ;
Account creation and access management – Identifying information (Surname, First name, date of birth, title, Username)
– Contact information (phone number and email address)
– Localisation information (country of residence, postcode)
– Login information (email, password, login name)
– Login and browsing information (password creation date, account origin)
– Language chosen ;
Account creation and access management – Identifying information (Surname, First name)
– Contact information (email address)
– Login information (email, password)
– Login and browsing information (account creation date, date of last login) ;
Event alert management    – Identifying information (Surname, First name) – Contact information (email address)
– Consent information ;
Management of competition entries – Identifying information (Surname, First name, gender)
– Picture
– Age
– Contact information (phone number, email address, postal address)
– Social media logins
– Entries
– Individual Scores
– Localisation information (country of residence, postcode)
– Proof of ID
– Login data ;
Improvement of offers – User opinion survey
– Measurement of campaign efficiency
– Log information ;
Marketing communications – Identifying information (Surname, First name, date of birth, title, Username)
– Contact information (phone number and email address)
– Localisation information (country of residence, postcode)
– Consent information ;
Improving client knowledge (profiling) – Purchasing and informational data
– Order history
– Identifying information (Surname, First name, date of birth, title, Username)
– Contact information (phone number and email address)
– Localisation information (country of residence, postcode) ;
Online form    Identifying information (title, surname, first name) – Details (email address)
– Subject and details of request submitted by user.Where necessary, the personal information collected as part of other data processing carried out on the Website (e.g. ticket purchases) required to answer your questions. ;
Statistics – Technical logs, and browsing information


I-2 What data is processed and the processing methods

The data is collected from various sources:

  • When the Account is created
  • When the Account is modified
  • When browsing
  • When carrying out services
  • During exchanges with FRANCE GALOP
  • When subscribing to newsletters, information and commercial offers
  • When using the Website’s “Follow” feature
  • When entering competitions

The User’s personal data collected and stored by FRANCE GALOP and its subcontractors is the data collected when the Account was created and when it is being used by the User.

When creating an Account, the User is asked to provide certain information. If they fail to answer the compulsory questions (marked with an asterisk: *) in the registration form, the Account cannot be created and certain features offered by the Website will be unavailable.

I-3 Legal grounds and processing purposes

Your personal data is collected and used in various ways. On the pages where data is collected, you will be informed about the specific uses envisaged by FRANCE GALOP as data controller. As a general rule, your data is collected as per the following legal grounds and for the following purposes:


To enable FRANCE GALOP to optimise and improve its relationship with its clients and Users
To enable the User to access the different Services proposed, namely by accessing a restricted area of the Website
To enable the User to place online orders
Service emails
Creating a User Account involves receiving messages from FRANCE GALOP by email or text message in order to enable them to manage the relationship with the client and supply the products and services.

Receiving this information falls under the execution of the services connected with the User Account and is not connected to the choices expressed with regard to receiving newsletters and market research.



  • To develop and promote horse racing (communication, prospection and sending messages about our news, finding out more about the people with whom we are in contact in order to personalise our communications, drawing up statistics, carrying out satisfaction surveys, etc.)
  • To offer you a personalised experience, according to your preferences and your choice of content
  • To maintain and develop the Website and Subsites
  • To ensure the security of the Website and Subsites and ensure that they are used in accordance with the applicable laws
  • To draw up traffic statistics and improve the functioning, security and efficiency of the Website and Subsites
  • To fight against fraud.


After a User Account has been created, if the User has not stated their opposition, FRANCE GALOP may send them information and offers similar to the Services by email or text message (electronic communications). These personalised newsletters enable FRANCE GALOP to keep the User informed about any new FRANCE GALOP products or services. The legal grounds for this processing is the legitimate interest of FRANCE GALOP. FRANCE GALOP measures the opening rate of these electronic communications in order to adapt them to the User’s requirements.

When the User has agreed to receive newsletters and commercial offers from FRANCE GALOP, the legal grounds for this processing is their consenting to the processing of their personal data for this specific purpose. The purpose of this processing is as follows: to enable the User to subscribe to specific services (newsletters, commercial offers) and to propose services and products that match the User’s centres of interest. This consent may be retracted at any time by using the “unsubscribe” hypertext link displayed at the bottom of the aforementioned newsletters and commercial offers, or by contacting FRANCE GALOP by the methods shown at the beginning of the present Article, or via “My account” > “Settings”.

If the User has consented, FRANCE GALOP offers alerts so that they can be kept informed by e-mail of forthcoming ticket availability for an event.

I-4 Retention period

The data collected when the User is browsing the Website is retained in the European Union, in a secure technical environment, for a maximum duration of 13 (thirteen) months from when it was collected. At the end of this period, the data is removed from all of FRANCE GALOP’s active databases and, where necessary, those of its subcontractors.

The data collected when the Account is created and used is retained in the European Union, in a secure technical environment, for as long as the Account has not been deleted. When the Account is deleted, the data is removed from all of FRANCE GALOP’s active databases and, where necessary, those of its subcontractors. The User’s Account is deleted after a total period of inactivity (cumulatively including: no login using the login codes and no access to the personal account) of three (3) years.

When the User has agreed to receive newsletters and commercial offers from FRANCE GALOP, the data collected is retained in the European Union, in a secure technical environment, for a maximum duration of three (3) years after the last contact with the User (click on a hypertext link displayed in an email from FRANCE GALOP, information request by email). At the end of this period, and in the absence of any contact with the User, the data is removed from all of FRANCE GALOP’s active databases and, where necessary, those of its subcontractors.

When the User has agreed to receive an alert for a one-off event, the data is kept until the end of the event.

I-5 Individual rights

To find out more about their rights, the User can visit the website of the CNIL, the French national authority for data protection:

The User is informed that FRANCE GALOP may communicate the personal data collected when accessing the services proposed on the Website to any administrative or legal authorities authorised to seek out and identify the author of an offence, within the strict respect of the legal provisions.

Right to access, right to rectify, right to erase

The User can, at any time, access, modify or erase the personal data they have supplied (in “My account” > “Settings”) and therefore exercise their right to access, right to rectify and right to erase in their User account, or by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article.

Right to oppose

In accordance with the applicable regulations, the User can oppose the processing of their personal data by exercising their right to oppose. To do this, the user must contact FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article. FRANCE GALOP will no longer process the User’s personal data, unless they have a legitimate and essential reason for processing this information, which prevails over the User’s interests, rights and freedoms, or for the observation, exercise or defence of legal rights.

The User also agrees that they have been informed that, when they have consented to receiving market research, their data may be stored by FRANCE GALOP, and may be used for this purpose. They also attest that they have been informed that they have the right to oppose to the personal data provided being used for such purposes. This right can be exercised by writing to or contacting FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article.

When the User has consented to receiving newsletters and commercial offers from FRANCE GALOP, FRANCE GALOP profiles the User for advertising purposes (age, location, purchases), enabling them to offer products and services adapted to their requirements and centres of interests by way of newsletters and commercial offers. The User can oppose this profiling for newsletters and commercial offers by writing to/contacting FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article.

At the very least, FRANCE GALOP categorises its Users (age, location, purchases) in order to optimise its relationship with its audience. The User can oppose this categorisation at any time. To do this, the User must contact FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article. FRANCE GALOP will no longer process the User’s personal data, unless they have a legitimate and essential reason for processing this information, which prevails over the User’s interests, rights and freedoms, or for the observation, exercise or defence of legal rights. You can oppose the processing of your personal data by us at any time, when this processing is carried out for market research purposes either electronically or by post, and this includes when the processing concerned involves profiling.

Portability rights

The User can exercise their data portability rights by writing to or contacting FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article. The data concerned by the portability right is exclusively the data declared actively and consciously by the User, which is the data provided when accessing the services proposed by the Website (account creation, online forms, email correspondence, etc.), as well as the data generated by the person’s activity when using the Website (IP address, User’s centres of interest, etc.).

Limitation rights

The User can exercise their right to limit the processing of their data by writing to or contacting FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article. FRANCE GALOP will no longer process the User’s personal data and will store it for the period required to check/examine the exercising of another right (access, opposition, etc.).

Right to decide what happens to their data after their death

The User can set out instructions regarding what should happen to their data after their death by writing to or contacting FRANCE GALOP by the methods given at the beginning of the present Article.

Right to file a complaint

Without prejudice to any other administrative or jurisdictional assistance, the User has the right to file a complaint to the supervisory authority, in particular in the member state in which their habitual residence, their place or work or the place in which the violation supposedly took place is located, if they consider the processing of their personal data constitutes a violation of their rights. In France, the supervisory authority for personal data processing is the CNIL.

What is the policy in terms of cookies and trackers? 


A cookie is a file saved by your computer or mobile device’s web browser in a dedicated storage space. It is stored when you visit a website. A cookie cannot read the data in your computer’s hard drive. Thanks to this text file, the website can identify the terminal in which it is stored and memorise the information required for its path.


FRANCE GALOP and other third parties are likely to install the following cookies when you visit the Website:

Required cookies: These cookies allow you to browse our Websites and, in certain cases, allow us to optimise the services. The Website requires them in order to function properly, and they therefore cannot be deactivated. They are generally configured according to your service requests, such as your privacy settings, logging in or filling out forms. The Website is unable to function properly if you block or deactivate these cookies.

They allow us to:

  • Save your cookie and tracking permissions
  • Protect the website from spam mail
  • Count the number of visits to the website
  • Display icons on the pages

The legal grounds for processing the data collected by these cookies and technological trackers is the legitimate interest of FRANCE GALOP in ensuring the access and proper functioning of its website.

The recipients of the data collected by the Cookies and technological trackers are the authorised members of FRANCE GALOP’s departments, as well as any of its service-providers that are called upon to intervene in the maintenance or hosting of the website. What is more, if the law so requires, FRANCE GALOP can transmit the data to the competent authorities to pursue any complaints made against FRANCE GALOP and adhere to the administrative and legal procedures. All regulated professionals authorised to receive the data to fulfil their legal and regulatory obligations may also have access to the data, such as auditors, experts, or auditors from any other competent authority.

The technological Cookies are saved on your terminal for a duration limited to the duration of your session. The information collected by the technological Cookies is saved by FRANCE GALOP for a duration limited to the duration of your session.

  • Functional cookies give a better client experience on the Website, for example by memorising your login details, optimising the performance of videos or by supplying us with information about the Website’s use. You are free to choose whether you accept or refuse these cookies at any time. Please note that some features may be affected if you do not authorise these cookies.
  • Performance cookies collect certain information that enables us to improve the Website’s performance and helps us to offer you what we believe to be the best user experience. These cookies allow us to count the visits and sources of traffic on the Website so that we can measure and improve its performance. These cookies also allow us to profile your centres of interests and your browsing habits, with the aim of personalising your experience and offering you the most relevant content. They help us to find out how our Website works and which pages are the most and least popular.

The legal grounds for processing the data provided by these Cookies and trackers that monitor the activity on the website is your consent. You are free to retract your consent at any time by changing your settings in the dedicated window available on any page of the website.

If you do not authorise these cookies, we cannot find out more about the use and performance of our digital Websites and your experience will be no less personalised or relevant.

The Cookies/trackers to monitor behaviour on the website are saved on your terminal for a duration that does not exceed 13 months.

Marketing cookies allow for the personalisation of online adverts according to your browsing activity and the place from which you access the Website. These cookies include cookies defined by our advertising partners. They are used (i) by FRANCE GALOP to measure the traffic towards our Websites and with the aim of personalising our services and to offer you the most relevant content, and (ii) by FRANCE GALOP and its partners to create and send you relevant adverts and content both on our Websites and on other websites.
The legal grounds for processing the data provided by these targeted advertising Cookies and trackers is your consent. You are free to retract your consent at any time by changing your settings in the dedicated window available on any page of the Website.

If you do not authorise these cookies, you will continue to see adverts and content online, but these adverts and content will not be matched to your centres of interest.

The targeted advertising Cookies/trackers are saved on your terminal for a duration that does not exceed 13 months.

Within the framework of these solutions, FACEBOOK and TWITTER may transfer data outside of the European Union. The standard contractual clauses of these service-providers are shown here: &

You can see more details about the different categories of cookies in the Cookie settings tool.


Cookies can be stored on your browser or on your computer’s hard drive for as long as you keep the browser open (for session cookies) or for a longer period, as permitted by law (for persistent cookies).

The lifespan of cookies can be limited to a few hours or a maximum of one year. For more information, see the cookie settings available on the Website.


You are free to decide whether you accept or refuse cookies, and to change your settings at any time, namely by clicking on the tab “Change my cookie preferences” on the banner displayed on the Website. Most browsers also allow you to deactivate cookies or to be alerted when a cookie is sent. For more information, please see your browser’s help menu. Whatever settings you select, you can choose to deactivate or reactivate cookies at any time.

If you delete them, please note that you may not be able to use all of the Website’s features.